Apply Now: Learn to Advance Racial Equity in Public Data Integration

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash
Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy (AISP), an initiative based at the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Social Policy and Practice, has issued a request for applications for a training and technical assistance program to help education, child welfare and other state and local agencies advance racial equity in their data integration efforts.
Funded by the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, AISP’s Equity in Practice Learning Community will work with communities to build, test and refine new models for incorporating residents’ perspectives into key decisions about the development and use of data across sectors that serve children and families, with an emphasis on health equity and racial justice.
Representatives of interested communities can download the request for applications, with submissions due by March 25, 2022.
Countering Historic Bias
The Casey Foundation has a long-standing commitment to using data to build a shared understanding of the needs of children, young adults and families; to identifying barriers to achieving better youth outcomes; and to supporting and promoting solutions for overcoming these obstacles. Sharing administrative data among state and local agencies serving children and families can contribute to achieving these goals.
Yet cross-sector data systems can also reinforce legacies of discriminatory policies and support inequitable resource allocation, access to services and outcomes. Many public agencies have not adequately examined and acknowledged bias in their history — a bias that is often baked into contemporary administrative data.
The Equity in Practice Learning Community builds on a tool kit AISP developed — also funded by the Casey Foundation — to put racial equity at the center of data integration. With the new technical assistance opportunity, “AISP is committed to working with participating sites to create a new kind of data infrastructure that shares and builds power and knowledge with the communities of color that need systems change most,” says Christopher Kingsley, Casey’s director of Data Tools and Measurement.
Customized Training and Coaching
From June 2022 through November 2024, participating sites in the Equity in Practice Learning Community will focus on shifts in policy and practice across the data life cycle: planning, collection of data, access to data, the use of statistical tools, analysis and reporting and dissemination. The work will examine cross-agency data governance, research agendas, legal agreements, staffing and community participation.
The selected communities will receive:
- customized training and coaching from experienced practitioners;
- access to a community of peers and mentors working at the intersection of data and racial equity;
- tuition and expenses for travel, lodging and meals for site teams of up to four people for two, two-and-a-half-day meetings at the University of Pennsylvania; and
- direct grants of $50,000 to support community engagement.
AISP will host an optional applicant webinar at 2 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Feb. 16. Sites will be selected and notified by April 25.