Apply for the 2017 Atlanta Community Investment Fund

For the third straight year, Casey is seeking applications for its Community Investment Fund, which provides small grants — ranging from $500 to $5,000 each — to support resident-led improvement projects in several southwest Atlanta neighborhoods.
The grants are designed to spur innovation, encourage partnership and support volunteers and grassroots organizations to improve their communities. Examples of past projects include a summer youth program focused on rescuing stray animals, a free tutoring program for local students and a community art project that allowed families from Adair Park to paint banners that were installed on light poles throughout the neighborhood.
The fund, one of only a few local grant opportunities available to groups without nonprofit status, is open to community-based organizations and residents in the Adair Park, Mechanicsville, Peoplestown, Pittsburgh, Summerhill and Capitol Gateway neighborhoods, known collectively as NPU‑V.
Among other eligibility requirements, projects should:
- demonstrate broad community support and engagement;
- address significant community issues and have clear benefits for the entire neighborhood; and
- be sustainable beyond the initial Foundation investment.
The decision-making board, composed of volunteers who live or work in NPU‑V, includes five new members this year. When asked why he wanted to serve, 16-year-old Quintavious Yarbrough spoke about his family’s deep roots in the community.
“My family has been living in Peoplestown for just about 60 years. We’ve seen the community change, for better or worse. I want to be a part of the positive change,” said the youngest board member. “I want to help my community grow and also learn new skills that I’ll be able to use in the real world.”
Board members will receive training in grant writing and grant coaching, and together will determine which submissions receive funding.
A total of $50,000 in small grants will be awarded this year. The deadline for 2017 submissions is 5 p.m. on Monday, March 20.