Apply for Atlanta-based Leadership Program to Improve Third-Grade Reading

Photo credit: Jason Miczek for the Casey Foundation
The Casey Foundation is seeking candidates in child- and family-serving fields in the Atlanta area for an intensive program to prepare leaders to boost third-grade reading proficiency. This results-based leadership development program is part of the Foundation’s long-standing commitment to promoting high-quality early childhood education and child development in a set of neighborhoods in the southwest corner of Atlanta called Neighborhood Planning Unit V (NPU‑V), which includes Adair Park, Mechanicsville, Peoplestown, Pittsburgh, Summerhill and Capitol Gateway.
Complete the application process
This Atlanta-based program will equip educators with the leadership tools and skills they need so that more children in NPU‑V meet developmental milestones and read proficiently by the third grade. Participants will strengthen their abilities to leverage data, partnerships, personal power and organizational authority in ways that lead to demonstrable progress on third-grade reading in NPU‑V by the end of the 2018–2019 school year.
Based on the Foundation’s signature results-based leadership approach, the Atlanta Results Count Leadership Program is an opportunity for each participant to gain the confidence and competence to collaborate and lead major system reforms and community change initiatives that get results.
To apply for the program, candidates must complete a full application online by 5 p.m. EST, Friday, July 14, 2017. The 13-month leadership program will begin in December 2017.
We are looking for individuals who:
- are in a role with sufficient authority to contribute to third-grade reading proficiency in neighborhoods with high concentrations of poverty in NPU‑V in Atlanta and beyond;
- demonstrate a keen understanding, passion and commitment for advancing results for children and families;
- are committed to prepare for, attend and actively participate in all program activities from December 2017 through December 2018, which will be held in the metro Atlanta area; and
- have an expression of support from their organizational leadership (such as a principal, executive director, board chair or agency lead) to participate in the program.
Learn more about the Atlanta Results Count Leadership Program