America’s Child and Teen Mortality Rate Is Moving in Right Direction

Posted January 2, 2018
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Blog americaschildandteenmortality 2017

In 2015, there were 25 child and teen deaths for every 100,000 chil­dren liv­ing in Amer­i­ca. This rate, which rep­re­sents close to 20,000 deaths annu­al­ly, has shrunk by 22% since 2005.

A notable caveat to such good news is that many of the deaths shap­ing this sta­tis­tic are preventable.

For instance: In 2015, 74% of chil­dren who passed away between the ages of 15 and 19 died because of an acci­dent, homi­cide or sui­cide. Also in 2015: 29% of kids who passed away between the ages of 1 and 14 died because of an acci­dent — with motor vehi­cle acci­dents list­ed as the pri­ma­ry cause.

At the state-lev­el, the child and teen death rate varies. Con­necti­cut has the low­est rate (15 deaths per 100,000 chil­dren) and Mon­tana has the high­est (43 deaths per 100,000 children).

A broad range of fac­tors — includ­ing a child’s phys­i­cal and men­tal well-being, their access to health care and their lev­el of adult super­vi­sion — can impact the size of this statistic.

Par­ents and care­givers can also take a few sim­ple steps to help keep kids safe. For instance: When fam­i­lies hit the road, adults can ensure that their young pas­sen­gers are wear­ing seat­belts and that no one gets behind the wheel while under the influ­ence of drugs, alco­hol or technology.

View more death and oth­er vital sta­tis­tics data on the KIDS COUNT Data Center:

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