African-American, American Indian and Latino Children Have the Most Barriers to Success

Nationally, the Race for Results Index developed by the Annie E. Casey Foundation shows that no racial group has all children meeting the recommended milestones in the United States. Using a single composite score placed on a scale of one (lowest) to 1,000 (highest), Asian and Pacific Islander children score highest at 776, followed by white children at 704. Scores for Latino (404), American Indian (387) and African-American (345) children are lower, a pattern that holds true in most states.
According to the index, where children live matters. Asian and Pacific Islander children in Delaware (914) had the highest score, while the lowest scores were among American Indian children in South Dakota (185). Scores vary across states for all groups, but the range of scores is widest for American Indian children. Scores for Latino children varied the least across states.
Visit the KIDS COUNT Data Center to explore data from Race for Results.