2014 State Data Books from the KIDS COUNT Network

KIDS COUNT Network members use data to advocate for policies and practices that support families in caring for their children and help children get on track for lifelong success. With our support, many of these organizations publish local KIDS COUNT data products with state and county statistics.
In 2014, the following organizations have released a state fact or data book:
Advocates for Children of New Jersey
New Jersey Kids Count 2014
Colorado Children’s Campaign
2014 KIDS COUNT in Colorado!
KIDS COUNT in Delaware
Fact Book 2014
Mississippi KIDS COUNT
2014 Fact Book
Rhode Island KIDS COUNT
2014 Rhode Island Kids Count Factbook
South Dakota KIDS COUNT
2013 South Dakota Factbook
U.S. Virgin Islands Kids Count
Children in the U.S. Virgin Islands: Results from the 2010 Census (PDF)
Voices for Children in Nebraska
2013 Kids Count in Nebraska Report
Voices for Illinois Children
Illinois Kids Count 2014