Each day, our 200 dedicated staff partner with more than 700 grantees to…
Help children, young people and families meet their basic needs, including housing, food, safety, physical and mental health, transportation and child care.
Ensure children, youth and young adults — especially those with child welfare and justice system involvement — have permanent connections with caring family members and supportive relationships with adults in their community.
Give parents and young people access to employment or entrepreneurship opportunities and customized tools that enable them to achieve financial stability and well-being.
Make sure children, youth and young adults meet developmental milestones, graduate from high school and obtain postsecondary credentials that will position them for economic success.
Support community members and young people advocating for themselves, promote policies that will help them succeed and play leadership roles in making their communities stronger and safer.
Provide data-informed insights through special publications and content that highlight key issues and drive meaningful change.