Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative

The Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative® is a systems-change effort that works at the local, state and national levels to advance policies and practices to most effectively meet the needs of young people transitioning from foster care to adulthood.

The Jim Casey Ini­tia­tive works to ensure that young peo­ple ages 1426 — who have spent at least one day in fos­ter care after their 14th birth­day — have equi­table access to the resources, rela­tion­ships and oppor­tu­ni­ties they need to achieve pos­i­tive well-being and suc­cess as they tran­si­tion into adult­hood. Learn about our part­ners.

View our brochure

From the Blog

A young black man stands outdoors, peering pensively into the distance.

What Happens to Youth Aging Out of Foster Care?

Youth aging out of foster care face challenges with housing, education, employment and more. Learn how these hurdles affect their futures.

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Preparing Young People in Foster Care for Success

Aecf theroadtoadulthoodpreview 2017

Using Science to Improve Child Welfare Practice

With knowledge of how the adolescent brain matures, adults can do more to ensure young people feel supported and prepared as they navigate the road into adulthood. This guide tells you how.

Aecf futuresavings preview 2019

How the Economy Wins When Young People Are Prepared

In Future Savings, readers learn about the societal costs of failing to prepare young people in foster care for success. It also highlights how targeted interventions can help these young people while erasing billions in unnecessary costs.

Aecf fosteringyouthtransitions preview 2018

Data on Young People in Foster Care

"Fostering Youth Transitions" provides first-of-its-kind data to better understand the lives of young people who have experienced foster care.