Race Matters: Unequal Opportunities for Juvenile Justice

Posted January 1, 2006
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
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This 2006 fact sheet brings an awareness to the racial inequity within the juvenile justice system, shows the consequences of unintended biased actions, and presents tools and strategies to mitigate the problems. This brief is one part of a Race Matters toolkit. For more information, visit the Race Matters Institute website. 

Findings & Stats

Statements & Quotations

Key Takeaway

Unintended bias affects kids of color in trouble with the law.

Racial equity has to be intentional or it just doesn't happen. The best chance for change comes when the issues of race are defined in concrete ways and the supporters of change remain steadfast in their advocacy. Kids of color are practically doomed once they hit the U.S. justice system as any future success for them falls farther from their reach.