Creating Opportunity for Families - The Annie E. Casey Foundation

Creating Opportunity for Families: A Two-Generation Approach

Posted November 12, 2014
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
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Nearly half of the nation’s families with young children struggle to make ends meet. A new KIDS COUNT policy report makes the case for creating opportunity for families by addressing the needs of parents and their children simultaneously with a two-generation approach. Creating Opportunity for Families: A Two-Generation Approach describes a new approach to reducing families in poverty, which calls for connecting low-income families with early childhood education, job training and other tools to achieve financial stability and break the cycle of poverty — and recommends ways to help equip parents and children with what they need to thrive.

Find additional resources on two-generation approaches to reducing family poverty.

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Key Two-Generation Approach Takeaway

Creating Opportunities With Partnerships to Build Two-Generation Approaches

Schools and early-education, home-visiting and job-training programs are just some of the existing platforms that offer opportunities to factor in the needs of parents and children at the same time.