Learn More: A Collection of Resources on Two-Generation Approaches

Posted November 12, 2014
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Blog twogenresources 2014

Near­ly half of the nation’s fam­i­lies with young chil­dren strug­gle to make ends meet. Our lat­est KIDS COUNT pol­i­cy report presents the Foun­da­tion’s case for cre­at­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty for fam­i­lies by address­ing the needs of par­ents and their chil­dren simul­ta­ne­ous­ly so that both can suc­ceed togeth­er. A num­ber of oth­er resources offer addi­tion­al insights into the ratio­nale and research behind two-gen­er­a­tion approach­es, as well as exam­ples of how state and fed­er­al poli­cies could help equip fam­i­lies with the tools and skills they need to thrive.

Research and Rationale

Break­ing the Cycle of Pover­ty in Young Families

Build­ing Adult Capa­bil­i­ties to Improve Child Outcomes

Chart­ing a Course to Equi­table Collaboration

Gate­ways to Two Generations

Help­ing Par­ents, Help­ing Chil­dren: Two-Gen­er­a­tion Mechanisms

Mak­ing Eco­nom­ic Secu­ri­ty a Fam­i­ly Tradition

Mother’s Edu­ca­tion and Children’s Out­comes: How Dual-Gen­er­a­tion Pro­grams Offer Increased Oppor­tu­ni­ties for America’s Families

The Afford­able Care Act: Afford­ing Two-Gen­er­a­tion Approach­es to Health

Two Gen­er­a­tions in Pover­ty: Sta­tus and Trends Among Par­ents and Chil­dren in the Unit­ed States, 20002010

Two Gen­er­a­tions, One Future

State and Fed­er­al Policy

Con­sid­er­ing Two Gen­er­a­tion Strate­gies in the States

Invest­ing in Par­ents to Invest in Children

Pro­mot­ing Two-Gen­er­a­tion Strate­gies: A Get­ting-Start­ed Guide for State and Local Pol­i­cy Makers

State Poli­cies Through a Two-Gen­er­a­tion Lens

Thriv­ing Chil­dren, Suc­cess­ful Par­ents: A Two-Gen­er­a­tion Approach to Policy

Top Ten for 2Gen: Poli­cies and Prin­ci­ples to Advance Two-Gen­er­a­tion Efforts

State-Lev­el Strategies

Invest­ing in Hope: A Two-Gen­er­a­tion Approach to Asset Building

A Two-Gen­er­a­tion Approach to End­ing Pover­ty in Utah

A Two-Gen­er­a­tion Strat­e­gy: Right From the Start