Discussing Disconnected Youth Data and Reengagement Strategies

Posted March 18, 2017
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Blog adiscussionondisconnectedyouth 2017

Credit: Measure of America

Reg­is­tra­tion is now open for a March 30 webi­nar focused on serv­ing youth who are not work­ing or in school — com­mon­ly called dis­con­nect­ed youth.

The Casey-spon­sored event will spot­light data on dis­con­nect­ed youth pre­sent­ed in Mea­sure of America’s new report, Promis­ing Gains, Per­sis­tent Gaps. Par­tic­i­pants in the hour-long webi­nar will learn the sto­ry behind the data, review strate­gies for reen­gag­ing youth and pre­view an inter­ac­tive tool for exam­in­ing dis­con­nec­tion by con­gres­sion­al district.

Pan­elists from Mea­sure of Amer­i­ca and the Nation­al League of Cities Insti­tute for Youth, Edu­ca­tion and Fam­i­lies will guide the dis­cus­sion and hold a Q&A ses­sion to con­clude the webinar.

Reg­is­ter for the webinar